Guidelines on Recruitment
Upon submission of application
(Before taking the COA Pre-employment Test):
Application letter
Personal Data Sheet (PDS) (CS Form No. 212, Revised 2017) (one original copy)
- Passport size ID picture
- Government issued ID
- With thumbmark
Click here for the Guide to filling out the PDS
Work Experience Sheet – part of PDS (one original copy)
Transcript of Records (TOR) (photocopy)
Diploma (photocopy)
Photocopies of the following:
For Licensed Professionals
(e.g. CPAs, Engineers, Architect, Teachers, etc.)
For Lawyers
For CS Professional/Sub-professional
Upon initial interview
(After passing the COA Pre-employment Test):
Notarized PDS (one original copy)
- Passport size ID picture
- Government issued ID
- With thumbmark
Work Experience Sheet – part of PDS (one original copy)
Transcript of Records (TOR) (original copy – to verify the photocopy initially submitted by the applicant)
Diploma (original copy – to verify the photocopy initially submitted by the applicant)
Original authenticated copies of the following:
For Licensed Professionals
(e.g. CPAs, Engineers, Architect, Teachers, etc.)
For Lawyers
For CS Professional/Sub-professional
Certificate of Training/s attended after graduation (photocopy) (for positions requiring relevant training)
Notarized Affidavit on declaration of information on relatives in COA
Upon assumption of office
Certification of Assumption to Duty (CS Form No. 4, Series of 2017) (2 original copies)
Oath of Office (CS Form No. 32, Revised 2017) (2 original copies)
Sworn Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN) (2 original copies)
Position Description Form (DBM CSC Form No. 1, Revised 2017) (2 original copies)
Medical Certificate (CS Form No. 211, Revised 2017) (1 original copy)
Valid NBI Clearance (1 original copy)
Certificate of Live Birth
(authenticated copy issued by the PSA or the LCR of the municipality or city where the birth was registered)
Marriage Contract/Certificate – for married employee
(authenticated copy issued by the PSA or the LCR of the municipality or city where the marriage was registered)
Certificate of employment (photocopy) (for positions requiring relevant experience)
Copy of last approved appointment (certified true copy)/CSC copy of plantilla of casual appointment (CS Form No. 34-B or D, Revised 2017) (original copy)
Copy of service record (original copy)
Clearance from previous employer (original copy)
Clearance from the Office of the Ombudsman (original copy)
Authority to transfer from previous employer (original copy)
Certificate of last salary received (original copy)
Certificate of leave credits from previous agency (original copy)
Performance Rating/s of the appointee in the previous position for one (1) year prior to the date of assessment (certified true copy)
Decision issued by the office/court/tribunal for appointee with decided administrative/criminal case (certified true copy)
Copy of last approved appointment (certified true copy)
Clearance from previous employer (original copy)
Decision issued by the office/court/tribunal for appointee with decided administrative/criminal case (certified true copy)
The applicant may be required to bring/submit the original copies of all or any of the documents listed above to enable the evaluator to review and compare the contents thereof vis-à-vis the information written on the applicant’s PDS and other previously submitted documents.
Revising the implementing guidelines and procedures on recruitment provided under COA Memorandum No. 2004-055 dated December 29, 2004